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8 Habits of Highly Successful People

Who needs to boost their productivity?

With December just days away, many of us are feeling the end of year crunch! Deadlines and meetings are dotted between an array of holiday parties and family commitments.

If only there were more hours in the day!

Well, we can’t give you more time, but we can help you use it more effectively. We uncover 8 habits of highly successful people that you can implement right now to avoid the overwhelm experienced during the holiday season.

1. Create a morning routine

Almost every successful person has a regimented morning routine. The mornings can be a challenge, but once you master a set routine you will find you are organized, motivated and ready to start the day. Try starting the morning with hot water and lemon, writing in a gratitude diary or sneaking in a workout. Practicing the same identical tasks each morning saves you time and sets you up for success.


2. Wake up early

During the bleak dark mornings of winter, getting out of bed can be nearly impossible, with most choosing to snooze rather than getting up. But breaking out of the habit and pushing yourself to wake up an hour earlier will give you more time to conquer all the items on your to-do list. If this seems too hard, try 15-minute increments until you reach the full hour.


3. Stay Positive

I’s a fact, positive people are more successful than negative people (Corley, CNBC, 2018).  There is a myriad of research on the detrimental impact that negative thoughts can have on the body. Stress, anxiety, fatigue and even disease are just some of the effects a negative mindset can have on your overall health. Therefore, it is important to stay positive, look on the bright side and be grateful


4.  Network with the Right People

Did you know that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with? (Van Doorn, Medium, 2018). Therefore, it is important to surround yourself with people you can learn from, people who inspire you and people who make you feel your best. Networking with the right people can expose you to new ways of doing things or motivate you to reach new goals which can be instrumental to your productivity.


5. Read More

Successful people never stop learning. Reading is one of the best ways to keep up to date with global trends, industry news and health findings which will give you a competitive edge over your peers. Investing in a self-help book, business autobiography or an online subscription to a news site is an easy way you can incorporate reading into your busy day.


6. Master your Calendar

My outlook calendar is my best friend. It remembers all my appointments, my social plans, my gym classes and deadlines. Most people are visual learners, looking at a colour coded calendar can help with retention and allow you to understand how you can best manage your time.


7. Manage Distractions

The most productive people are disciplined and do not get sidetracked by distractions. At this time of year, we are surrounded by distractions, grocery lists, holiday parties, vacation planning and gift ideas. Unfortunately, there are many other things monopolizing our minds which make it hard to stay on track and meet deadlines. Try locking your phone in your drawer or turning off your email notifications for 1-hour intervals, train your brain to stay focused.



8. Prioritize Self-care

Your physical and mental well being can be one of the biggest factors affecting your productivity. Although it is important to stay on top of all your responsibilities and make everyone else happy, it is also important to take time to nourish your body and do things that you enjoy.


Need more tips on how to stay productive? Check out this article by Inc


